The Legendary ARO

Povestea ARO (Automobile Romania sau Automobil Romanesc), incepe in 1885, odata cu construirea Fabricii de Hartie din Campulung judetul Arges. Dupa o perioada de inactivitate, intre 1930-1944, timp in care spatiile au fost folosite pentru depozitare, din 1944, ca urmare a razboiului, au loc o serie de schimbari. Industria Aeronautica Romana Brasov sau I.A.R. Brasov […]

Banana Bread - quick and easy

Banana Bread is a cake type dessert that's easy to make even for beginners in the kitchen. If you like banana's, then this desert is for you. You can enjoy it for breakfast alongside a coffee. Ingredients: 100g of soft butter, 140g of sugar, a beaten egg, 225g of flour, two [...]

A "piece" of history in my home

Nascuta in anul 1966, la Colibasi (astazi Mioveni), in urma unui acord intre autoritatile comuniste si producatorul francez de automobile Renault, Dacia, reprezinta una dintre povestile de succes ale unui brand Romanesc. O putem numi poveste de succes pentru ca brand-ul nu a disparut odata cu incetarea perioadei comunismului in care a luat nastere. Denumita […]

Spending our time during the pandemic

During the pandemic, our lives changed radically. Not so long ago, we didn't even know that this Covid existed. We could meet we our loved ones, hugs were allowed, no masks were needed, but today things are different. All these changes take a toll on us, affecting us both mentally and physically, that's why [...]

Our First Trip to Greece

After some research online for a destination in Greece, as yes we wanted to travel to Greece, we decided to go to Crete Island. It is our first visit to Greece and we heard a lot of things like how beautiful it is, especially the water, but you have to seem them for yourself. We didn't chose to [...]

Holiday city break - Saint Anne Lake

We've spent the Christmas holidays in Harghita County so in one of the days we decided to travel to Saint Anne Lake. It's the second time we've been there, the first time during a winter without any snow. The Saint Anne Lake is the only lake [...]

Wooden 3d Puzzle

For a doer type of person, nothing is more thrilling than seeing the end result of something that you worked on, sometimes for several, hours, days or even years. Knowing how much effort went into drawing, building, assembling something and all for just those couple of seconds or minutes of joy still makes everything [...]

Autumn in Baile Olanesti

During this Autumn, we went to Baile Olanesti, not for the first time as I was born there, so we get to travel there quite often to see my parents. Indeed, lately we went for fewer walks around the city, so this Autumn we decided to go for a stroll around the city park and on the alley that leads to [...]