We've spent the Christmas holidays in Harghita County so in one of the days we decided to travel to Saint Anne Lake. It's the second time we've been there, the first time during a winter without any snow. The Saint Anne Lake is the only lake [...]
Saint Anne Lake is the only Volcanic lake from Romania. It is located in the Ciomatu Mountains from Harghita County at an altitude of 946m.
On our departure, the weather was not so good, with light rain and during the trip towards the lake it changed completely. We left on an Autumn specific weather, with the trees reflecting this and the grass starting to show.
After some climbing, like in an entirely different world, Winter was starting to show its presence with gentle snow in a Winter scenery.
Drumul este destul de bun, fusese asfaltat in unele zone anul acesta, se bifurca la un moment dat, trebuie sa faci stanga spre lac si imediat se ajunge la o parcare unde trebuie sa lasi masina. Parcarea este cu plata, am platit 24 lei pentru 3 ore, destul de mult daca ma intrebi pe mine, tinand cont ca este doar o bucata de teren inchisa, nimic amenajat, in fine, mai departe trebuie sa cobori pe jos catre lac, aproximativ 1 km.
On the way towards the lake, somewhere in the middle, on the right, there is a place where you can admire the entire lake.
After reaching the base, you can admire the beautiful scenery, with a slightly snowy forest near the frozen lake.
Right next to the lake, there is a small terrace with hot beverages and a tasty local roll called "Kürtőskalács" that you should definitely try out.