Nascuta in anul 1966, la Colibasi (astazi Mioveni), in urma unui acord intre autoritatile comuniste si producatorul francez de automobile Renault, Dacia, reprezinta una dintre povestile de succes ale unui brand Romanesc. O putem numi poveste de succes pentru ca brand-ul nu a disparut odata cu incetarea perioadei comunismului in care a luat nastere.
Named after the land inhabited by the Dacians, Dacia, the Romanian car assembled under Renault license, evolved, going through several models until today. The production of the first Dacia, under Renault's R8 license, the Dacia 1100, began in 20th of August 1968.
It had a rear mounted 1108 cc engine with rear transmission, this inspiring its name of Dacia "1100".
Urmatorul model, denumit Dacia 1300, produs tot sub licenta Renault, R12 de aceasta data, si-a inceput povestea in anul 1969. A fost un autoturism destinat familiilor, care dispunea de 4 usi si 5 locuri. Motorul acestuia avea o capacitate cilindrica de 1.289 cmc si dezvolta 54 de cai putere. Dacia 1300 a stat la baza multora dintre modelele ce au urmat.
Dacia, especially the 1300 model, is a representative piece of Romania's history. Although I wanted to own such a model to show my kids/grand-kids the vehicle I drove to get my driving license, the maintenance costs and storage space were a great hindrance.
Luck was on my side when, while searching online for a model I would gladly assemble, I ran into a movie that showcased a series of magazines. The magazines contained components of a 1:8 scale model of the Dacia 1300. Thus, after 120 magazines and countless parts assembled, I ended up owning a miniature copy of the famous Dacia 1300.
I shared my experience, of assembling this model, in a series of clips and eventually I ended up being one of the owners of a "piece" of history in their home.